Custom Tree Care EquipmentCTC Disaster Response owns and maintains a sizeable fleet of equipment, strategically located in Kansas, Alabama, Texas and Florida.

CTC Disaster Response (a division of Custom Tree Care) was founded over 18 years ago. CTC has operated as a successful, well-established “tree” company for 24 years providing services throughout the Midwest. Therefore, emergency recovery and storm debris removal is a natural fit. CTC Disaster operated as the prime contractor in the recovery of over 150 major catastrophic events in 27 states.

Click the image below to view our new Disaster Recovery Division Video

Coming up through the ranks as a subcontractor, we have the experience needed to streamline the recovery process, while maintaining our 100% safety record.  We have also been able to develop and streamline debris removal, reduction and disposal to insure that our teaming partners and the community receive the benefits of our experience.

CTC Disaster Response, unlike many of the “major players”, holds the advantage of owning a fleet of equipment which can readily provide the rapid response needed for any size project, in any location. We don’t have to “wait” for subcontractors to mobilize, get insurance, staff their equipment. Many primes are heavily dependent on rental equipment which may or may not be available when needed the most.



form2 form3The proper documentation of disaster recovery contract operations is critical and a high priority for CTC. With participation in over 150 government contracts, we have the experience needed to assist you in obtaining 100% of eligible reimbursement. Every load of debris that is hauled is logged as well as all hazardous limbs recorded and every tree cut documented.

-Real time turnaround of all submitted documents (debris assessments, work sheets, load tickets, daily reports) 


-100% fully reconcilable documents for your agency and/or monitoring firm
-100% accountability for Federal/state/county/municipal audits up to seven years
-On site administrative and accounting assistance
-State of the art ADEMS reporting systems meeting FEMA regulations/guidelines



  • hurricanes
  • floods
  • tornadoes
  • ice storms
  • wind damage
  • snowstorms
  • wildfires


  • School districts
  • Municipalities
  • Counties
  • States
  • Federal government

fema debris estimating guide fema public assistance fema public policy fema debris monitoring guide 51B9XjyHROL. SX258 BO1204203200 826x1064

Disaster partner and client logos

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